I felt that the creative area of my mind was rumpled and cluttered with the many things we call life... stifled by the boxes, the memories, the items new and old that filled the space as I searched for that 'something' that would free my creative energies. Portions of my everyday world seemed clean and crisp, yet like an unmade bed, memories framed there resting, while sorting out the boxes full of treasures of days past....
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Magpie Tales |
As I stated, I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking for, I wasn't sure if this path would lead me to a destination that I would be happy with.... I did know this would be a journey I was familiar with portions of, travelled years ago when my mind was less cluttered, less confined by the stresses and responsibilities of my life, my world as it exists today. I did know that I needed to find something to aid me in freeing my inner self of the constant barrage that was happening.
I approached this new endeavor, this new trail cautiously, and with some reluctance. In years past, my 'writings' whether they be poetry or stories, have only been sparsely shared with even those people closest to me. Back when I was young, I found a desire for creating tales, sketched out by the placing of words on the pad, adjusting to fit the picture in my mind. Though the people around me were encouraging about my ability to create, they were very discouraging about it even being a possibility of filling any portion of my life other than as a hobby. The 'starving artist' point of view was instilled in me, so strongly, as the only path that could be envisioned because of the many years of hard work this world entailed before one could see any recognition.
Thus, most of the work I have done over the years, the creations, have blown away in the winds of time, much like loose pages stacked on a table as the cool breeze lifts. The pages rising in the air finding the breeze and wafting off into the vast nothingness of time unrecorded. The few pieces that I do still have in a collection were mostly written to or for specific people, thereby having more sentimental value than a created picture of doodling. Or, the few pieces that have been written since I have found an appreciation of holding on to, and then going back later to dabble with. Those few pieces also came later as life in its overwhelming time-filled glory which allowed for only rare efforts.
The small collection has only been shared with a select few people, until more recent years in which several have been 'published' in a variety of venues... anthologies, newsletters, plaques on friends walls... Probably due to the influences when I was young, all also 'publicly' shared in the hopes of being done so as 'anonymous'.... I have always, in so many areas of my life, chosen to have my efforts stand for the effort, and its importance, rather than as something I needed to be acknowledged for. Needless to say, this venture in blogland, this journey that I have chosen to participate in, well, posed a variety of conflicts. I wanted to relight the embers that burn deep within my being, deep within my mind, allowing the flames of creation to burn again, creating a light, a warmth within my world. I was hoping that this venue would give me a place to do that. But I honestly had many doubts as to whether this venue could provide that for me. I wasn't sure if I would be writing the post-experience tale of my everyday life, poetry, short stories... I wasn't sure if I would be writing just for myself and an anonymous world of technology, or if I would eventually share any of this with those people in my day to day world.
What I have found along this short journey... was encouragement. What I found was people, other writers, fellow bloggers, interested in taking a moment of their day, to stop and visit with me by reading, commenting, following the posts that fill these pages. What I found were people inquisitive of the next verse, the next installment in a tale. What I found was the embers becoming flames of my passion. What I found were free-flowing thoughts, phrases, sparks blending together into tales. What I found was the vast space of creative nothingness was filling with thoughts, tales, prose just as the dry riverbed of the canyon would fill with the flow of water after the autumn rains that moisten and replenish the arid land around it. What I found was the emergence of that passion deep within my soul that yearns for a venue to share my words with the world, with my friends, and now with my fellow bloggers who read, comment, and sometimes follow. What I found was an endless flow of thoughts yearning to be penned, sometimes even coming in the most stressful of moments when before I could only focus on the stress of the immediate moment.
Over the years of my life, I have endured many losses, many trials, many times when I needed guidance, support, someone to believe in me. I have been fortunate enough to know some really special people who have a way of touching those around them in a very profound manner. These few people I have considered 'mentors' guiding my world, my being by example of who they are. Here in blogland, I also found that these anonymous people who cross my path - also can be mentors, guiding, challenging my passion with their skills, with their way with words, with their support, and by simply taking the time to stop by and acknowledging that I am here, believing that my writing is sometimes worth coming back to for a second look.
Simply stated, to you my readers, my commenters, my followers, especially my first follower (you know who you are)... My heartfelt thanks to all of you for taking the time to stop, for taking the time and effort to get to know a little of this passion, for getting to know a little of me. I truly appreciate your support and encouragement in making this journey a positive one for me. And to you my friends from my everyday life who have responded and followed me here, thank you for getting to know this other side of me that sat dormant for such a long time.
Thank you all for taking time to visit here.
I am linking this post to both Magpie Tales photo prompt #37 and to Writer's Island prompt #26 for 2010: Emerge. Again, thank you all for stopping by to visit.
Blogging can be a very fulfilling experience for so many of us. Like you i had no idea where I would end up, but within months, I gained confidence and posts came to me out of nowhere.
Long may it remain so for both of us.
I have learned that we do not write for others, that we actually write for ourselves....it is so healing and you my friend are always a dear in your comments....and a fellow California....blessings and best in all you do...bkm
A lovely note to not just the people who are your friends or close acquaintances but also to your soul. An honest write-up, a letter to the heart.
Liked it!
May God guide you always.
I love this. We are so blessed to meet all the wonderful people who take the time to read our words and leave encouragement.
Little snippets of humanity.
Every word in your note to us resonated fully with me! I know exactly how you feel and exactly what you mean. Right down to the phrase "stifled by boxes" - which is why I started my adjunct blog, Clutterquake, some months after my main blog. The pressures of life collapsing in on me have actually intensified in the two years since I began blogging, but I am better equipped to handle them (although the boxes and clutter part is still maddenly deferred). I encouraged my husband to start a blog and he did but uses it only as a techy vehicle for his work. Consequently, he has not benefited from the community of blogger friends that have engaged and enhanced my life. It is different for me than for him and so it is what it is. That saying: "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" comes to mind. And I feel very much like a student of my own soul being mentored (as you said) by others with similar passions and paths.
You described it perfectly with this line: What I found was an endless flow of thoughts yearning to be penned, sometimes even coming in the most stressful of moments when before I could only focus on the stress of the immediate moment.
Thank you for your special post and for sharing your marvelous imagination with us in your blog.
You express it more graphically than I could have done, but my experience of the blogging fellowship has been much as yours. It is the unselfishness of the followers and those who comment that is so inspiring. In it''s own way your post continues that. More power to you.
I think blogging is a wonderful way to merge the solitary nature f writing with the 'readership' aspect of it. In ones everysay life one meets few people exactly on the same wavelength, but cyberspace is full of them. Thankyou for your concise account of your journey.W all know about the 'scraps of paper.'
So well said! I have enjoyed my experience in blogging so much, it's so much a part of my being now.
Keep on blogging!!!
stop by my Writers Island if you like:
I can relate to much of what you say. Blogging has been a terrific outlet for me too, and I apprecitate the genuine friendships I've made.
Glad you're writing.
I LOVED THIS! 'Nough said. Love and Light, Sender
It is a continual astonishment to me, even after almost five years of blogging, that so many share this same journey. I read and explore the works of others and offer up my own, and think, "There are so many gifts out there that have not been heard". I, personnally, am very glad for the forum that brings us not only to others but also to ourselves.
It is my first time here, and I am so glad I am reading such a moving ode to your readers! It is just one of those pieces you know that I wish I had written it myself, because I feel what you feel! Great piece, you have sure made me come back with this heartfelt message of yours! Thanks for writing,
I completely agree. Blogging has added a lot to my life, how wonderful the people are that I've met, via Blogland.
Hugs, G
we do write primarily for ourselves, but I have found in this venue a wonderful community of creative writers generous in sharing their work with all of us and generous with comments and helpful criticism- or just down right praise.
And the cherry on top of all this - is the fact that we are from all over the world- joined in a commmon thread of the written word.
What a beautiful and moving post. I was particularly touched by your sentence,
'Though the people around me were encouraging about my ability to create, they were very discouraging about it even being a possibility of filling any portion of my life other than as a hobby.' I'm sure many of us are familiar with that feeling, but you carried on anyway. Well done you for listening to your inner voice and writing with passion.
Thanks for visiting and commenting! I can identify with a lot of what you say. I strive to clear clutter away, to be honest, kind and give back what I can. Risk is dicey- it can turn and bite- but it can also open doors! Shake hands- Carry on!
you have written what i believe everyone feels. it's always interesting to read thoughts and inspire and get inspired by lots of bloggers in blogosphere. :-) thanks for this one.
awesome reflections,
Blogging has served me good.
Glad to meet you.
Happy Halloween to you. Our Halloween potluck is open,
Post a poem on Halloween, or share an old poem unrelated to the theme, link in. that’s how you get the best result of feedback.
Feel free to take any awards from this post, enjoy!
No matter what happens early in life, or in the in-between stages, in the end we have to follow our hearts to where some part of us has always known we belonged. Your creation story reads much like mine. :)
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