a journey filled with many familiar paths and some not yet taken... all leading to the ever-changing destinations just waiting to be discovered.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Foretell - Writer's Island and Sunday Sketches

The following sketch is in progress, but I wanted to post it as a beginning sketch for Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia over at Blue Chair Diary

in progress by Petrina Lesko 2011

Oh, but what stories this old bridge could foretell of the small town waiting beyond.  Another road not yet taken, but surely a decidedly exciting world awaits on  the other side.  Such character beheld within the walls of its structure, eluding to the characters of this old town beyond its wooden frame... welcoming anyone who wishes to pass this way.

Petrina Lesko
February 2011

And with these words, my post shall fit right in over at Writer's Island and this weeks Prompt #8 for 2011: Foretell.  Hope everyone enjoys my submission.


eyeography said...

What a lovely sketch..
I am sure it will look fantastic when you complete it :)

Dave King said...

You've sharpened my appetite for the rest of the narrative.

Marlene said...

This is a wonderful sketch so far, looking forward to seeing it's completion. I love covered bridges.

Jae Rose said...

Oh yes, I would love to go through that bridge (we don't get 'closed in bridges here in the UK' - they look very mysterious)..I had a peek at your 'Opportunity Knocks' flash and I thought the corridor and the suggestion of 'what if' paired up nicely with your sketch of the bridge..good luck with the next drawing..Jae

Morph Waffle said...

Lovely sketch, I want to hope on in there and cross that bridge to the awiting town!

Virtual Boy said...

Ah, seems like such a peaceful place to be, sitting atop a small hill looking at the bridge and the river~ Great work!

Maude Lynn said...

Nicely done! I love covered bridges.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful sketch. It makes me want to wander through to the other side.

GalleryJuana said...

Impressive detail in the brick and roof.
Bridges are interesting structures and you've caught their intrigue.

Jenn Bower said...

Nice sketch. Brings to mind Robert Frost and the wintry Vermont vacations of my youth. Great sense of nostalgia.

Teri said...

Wonderful sketch and interesting thoughts. Wonder what is on the other side.

Julia Christie said...

Love the texture of the wood siding and the roof tiles! You did a great job on this - be sure to share when you finish it!


Heather said...

Hi there,
Oh how lovely. Nice job, i like the overhead perspective you took. I love covered bridges, and just traveled through a beautiful one in Stowe VT recently...they are wonderful...

Unknown said...

Hi, love your bridge and the story that goes with...

Gloria said...

Lovely sketch (wish I had your talent) and I love the imagining of lies will lie beyond. Well done!

Gloria said...

That was supposed to say, I love the imagining of what will lie beyond. (Sheesh, I should probably go to bed now....too tired to type.)