a journey filled with many familiar paths and some not yet taken... all leading to the ever-changing destinations just waiting to be discovered.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Ever Love Held

sketch by Petrina Lesko (Feb 2011)

None so sweet, none so tasty,
This the bestest. better kind,
First loves, a love so hasty,
Ever love held, the child's kind.

Dreams of cakes and candy too,   
Huggable bears, hearts in mind,
Puppies day dream, I wuv you,
Ever love held, the child's kind.

Illustration by Jutta Ash
Found over at Monday's Child

Birds sing of morning songs here,
Carry forth ribbons to wind,
Cute little bows, saying we're,
Ever love held, the child's kind.

This the bestest, better kind,
Ever love held, the child's kind.

Petrina Lesko
February 2011

Linking up to the following inspirational sites for this Valentines post:   Monday's Child: Fair of face, a day late for 'Sunday Sketches' over at Blue Chair Diary and finally for the inspiration of this Valentine 'Sweater' in my sketch Illustration Friday.

I hope everyone had a great weekend,
and that this will be
 a very special
Valentines Day.

Enjoy your week ahead.


Short Poems said...

Beautiful write!
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Maggie said...

Aaw, I love your sketch. : )

RJ Clarken said...

Petrina - that was just lovely - like a beloved nursery rhyme from long ago. The sketch was sweet too! Happy Valentine's Day!

Máire T. Robinson said...

What a cute sketch and poem!

Deborah said...

'Ever love held, the child's kind' ... Just beautiul :o)

Brian Miller said...

very cute...yeah the love of a child the innocent kind is amazing...

Lyn said...

So heartfelt..the truth of the child before the world appears....beautiful!

Luciana said...

Hi! I love especially the poem! Thanks for your visit, Petrina.

Friko said...

If only we could the preserve the innocence of childhood.

Heather said...

adorable sketch! I love the words, too. nothing sweeter than a child's love and the world through their eyes...sorry i missed you on Sunday, my computer wasn't able to go online!!!! agggg, im back on, now! xxoo
have a great week

signed...bkm said...

it is the best kind...a child is so full of love and wonder...nicely done...bkm

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

wow, love love this,
very classical and beautiful entry...


Anonymous said...

This the bestest.

Tammie Lee said...

ah, this is quite sweet, both poem and art~

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

fabulous entry ..
a delightful treat for kids.