a journey filled with many familiar paths and some not yet taken... all leading to the ever-changing destinations just waiting to be discovered.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Hope

Hope by Petrina Lesko
  Earlier this week I wrote a poem about lighthouses (you can read it by clicking here).  Since my thoughts continued in the same mode following my post of that poem, I thought I would try to sketch a scene held in my mind.  I still need to work on the perspective, I think the lighthouse needs to be taller, but I found myself not wanting to cut the top off at the edge of the page.  I am filled with 'hope' that everyone will have a wonderful week. 

To view other great sketches, please check out 'Sunday Sketches' over at Blue Chair Diary which is hosted by Sophia.  Sophia offers a link to anyone wanting to share their sketch or artwork (you will discover a world of some very awesome artists there) or you can link up your own drawing, painting, etc.

And since I have obviously been inspired this week by lighthouses, I thought I would also link over at Inspiration Avenue as their topic this week was 'What inspires you?'  If you follow this link after Sunday afternoon, you will be able to see the work of many other really terrific artists, and what their response to this topic was.


Theresa said...

I love lighthouses. Lovely sketches. I have traveled to a few and got the chance to climb up and see the view. They are amazing to see the inside lights in person. Happy Creative Weekend.

Rajlakshmi said...

loved the sketch... beautiful.

izzy said...

Hey ! Now that is a great sketch!
I am forever fighting the editor in my head- who says:" Do more- better, differently-"
Meanwhile you have wonderful sky going on
calm seas; and the most uncomfortable chairs man ever invented near the light !Thanks for sharing
and thanks for the links!

Myrna R. said...

Nice sketch. I've started doodling, can't call it sketching, but am having fun.

Christine said...

I love the way you coloured this lovely sketch. the purples give it a special mood I think.

Heather said...

Hi there, I love the two adirondack chairs next to the lighthouse...so pretty....I am relaxed just imagining myself there through your sketch! Reminds me of one of my favorite places, Portland, Maine! Happy Sunday to you!

Nelly said...

I am a huge fan of lighthouses. Part of their purpose is help ships see through the fog. It is a wonderful metaphor for life. Wonderful sketch. I would love to be sitting on one of those chairs just looking out onto the water.

Claudia said...

i think your lighthouse is tall enough - i like the peaceful atmosphere in your drawing - lighthouses always awaken wanderlust in me and at the same time a longing for being at home..

WrightStuff said...

I think it would be rather nice sitting in ones of those chairs right now watching the sun go down!

Julia Christie said...

This makes you want to fix a cuppa tea and head out to sit in those fabulous chairs to watch the sunset over the water! Great sketch!


Linda E. Pruitt said...

I am always interested in lighthouses, regardless of the "perspective." This sketch brings back fond memories of Adirondack chairs and the seashore. Thanks!

Unknown said...

The word hope makes me very happy as does this serene and special piece...wonderful work!!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Tammie Lee said...

Your colors are wonderful as is your drawing, so lovely to see.

Heather Foust said...

So pretty! I love lighthouses and Adirondak Chairs. They go together. Very nice!!

Jenny said...

I've always dreamed of living in a light house!Wonderful colours, lovely sketch :)

EVA said...

Very pretty!! Love the calm colours you used!!

Shayla said...

Your Sunday Sketch is very beautiful and moving.

ds said...

It's a wonderful sketch; thank you so much for sharing it!

Lenora said...

So soothing! Great colours!

Priti Lisa said...

I LOVE the sky!
Very nice piece of art work.

GalleryJuana said...

Your drawing makes me want to own a lighthouse. It looks like a very welcoming place to be.
You've written a beautiful poem too.

Anonymous said...

Excellent...I think the artwork is great. Interestingly I wrote something last week referencing a lighthouse. I will try to check out your poem as well.

Thank you for sharing.

Nature Lover. said...

Soo Pretty & Beautiful Sketch! Thanks A Lot For Your Kind Visit To My Blog :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

an adaptation of rapunzel is now shown. I thought your lighthouse is the prison tower of hers.

Unknown said...

Inspiration everywhere!.

Full-On-Forward said...

I still draw stick figures....of Sticks!

Really nice drawing! I WANT those Chairs!!


Nicola said...

Lovely poem, and really lovely sketch! It was nice to read an uplifting post. I really like how you've drawn the chairs and those bricks!!! I'm glad you didn't chop the top off! :0)

Thank you for your kind words and lovely visit to my blog :0) take care!